Nice for what?
A call for deeper empathy.
By Nyadzombe Nyampenza
Most men will recoil at the sight of Nelsa Guambes’ Chauvinism. The painting depicts a harrowing orgy of violence. Part of the male viewers’ revulsion may be a deflection of guilt.
Guambes’ work portrays a woman between two men, lying on her back. The men stand over her with hands held high in an intimidating clawing gesture. Their erect penises point at the woman like sharp daggers.Her hands are vulnerably open, and her mouth is wide with anguish. Male English speakers might read the title of the painting as an understatement. As a woman however, the artist manages to reveal the horrible extent to a seemingly benign concept.
Men will be horrified by the misogynist duo. Some of the outrage at such scenes can be fueled by a need to feel absolved. Simply condemning the actions of other men however, may not change the system.
[Chauvinism — Nelsa Guambe was at the inaugural Emerging Painting Invitational Prize-2019. First Floor Gallery Harare.]